Search Derbyshire for Marriage Records with the surname Gates
Searching the Joiner Marriage Index for marriage records is fully automated. If your needs are beyond the scope of our parameters please contact us. Payment when required is through PayPal.
You may search purely for a Surname which looks for all instances of that name in both the male and female side. Alternatively you may search for a Full Name, which allows any combination of forename and surname.
Two wildcard characters may prove helpful where there is some doubt in the detail of a name. %, a multiple character wildcard, can be added anywhere, and is added by default to forenames allowing just an initial to be entered. _, a single character wildcard, is also useful where % allows too much variation. The Soundex or Metaphone algorithms can also be selected to be applied to the surname to search for further alternatives.
Entering a year and range is not necessary but may help refine the number of marriage records found.
You will be informed of the number of marriage records found and to progress requires payment. Prices start at £2.29 for a single marriage record up to maximum of £52.19 for the current search limit of 500 marriage records.
Once payment is complete the results are displayed on screen and emailed to your PayPal email address. Included in the email are log in details to the Results section of this site to allow the review of the search.
Please read my disclaimer regarding the detail of the marriage records in the Joiner Marriage Index. NO marriage certificates are included with the search results.